Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How to Create a Wellness Plan That Works!


Wellness is an essential part of our well-being.  Contrary to what most believe, wellness is more than health. The word “wellness” refers to being of healthy mind, body and spirit. Wellness consists of five elements: mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and community.  I believe if we work with each element in a balanced way we can create a healthy lifestyle and ultimately, decrease stress, anxiety and health issues.

Creating a wellness plan will help you identify your barriers, personal strengths and maintain resiliency. The beautiful thing about a wellness plan is its self-directed, meaning you create and implement how you partner with your recovery.

Before you get started, it’s important to have an clear understanding of what wellness looks like to you (Keep in mind you can create a wellness plan around past or present issues). I find listing my difficulties makes  prioritizing  my wellness plan easier. You choose a method that works for you. Once you have made your list and identified what you would like to work write and respond to the following questions:

  • What barriers are preventing me from reaching my goals?

  • What will it feel like when I reach my goal?

  • What will I do to overcome my barriers?

  • What has not helped in the past?

  • What has helped in the past?

  • What will I do if I get off track?

  • What can I do on a daily to work towards my goal?

Adding a personal pledge at the end of your wellness plan can aid in personal responsibility and keep you honest about being kind to yourself while on your journey to wellness. Here’s an example:

I agree to be loving, kind and nurturing to myself as I reach for my goal(s). I understand recovery is a continual process that will take time and patience.   From this day, I promise to do my best and take daily steps towards my wellness.

Lastly, post your wellness plan somewhere you frequent  for encouragement.  Also, ask your friends and family for support.  You never know, you may inspire them to create a wellness plan of their own.

Click here to download a sample wellness plan


If you would like help creating  your wellness plan, send me note and I’ll be happy to schedule a time for us to connect.

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Christy Lynn Abram “Wholistic Muse” is a Certified Peer Coach. Using holistic living as a guide, Christy teaches others how to find their personal power by reintroducing them to their authentic self. Christy’s 15 year struggle with depression and PTSD is what inspires her to teach others how to create a healthy mind, body and spirit. Find Christy on Facebook as Christy Lynn Abram 




How to Create a Wellness Plan That Works!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Shift Negative Self-talk in 4 Steps


As I begin this blog, I think of all the nasty things I’ve said to myself, “You’re not good enough, You’re fat! No one likes you.”  While, I’ll agree healthy self-critism inspires us to move towards our desires, inundating ourselves with in-ternal-trash talking makes us a coconspirator to our emotional and mental demise.  We begin to become what our inner voice suggests.   Eventually, our load becomes too much and our negative self-talk spills into our external life.

The greatest difficulty I experienced while working through my depression was my negative self-image.  In my eyes, “no one loved me and I would be alone forever.”  Each time I encountered rejection, my thoughts would get louder, validating my insecurities.  As time passed, I became angry,  bitter,  difficult to deal with, and eventually alone.

Now, when life presents challenges, the little trash talker in my head likes to make a grand appearance. However, our conversation has changed greatly over the last couple of years. Instead of entertaining negative comments, I empower my thoughts by creating positive alternatives.

Have you ever heard the adage, thoughts are things? When we entertain negative thoughts, we give them power to alter our life. If we believe we’re ugly or fat, we make way for an “ugly” or “fat” person to live inside of us. Often times, these descriptions are not literal but a representation of an emotion.  In these cases we must evaluate the core reason for our feelings.  Here are 4 steps to help you shift negative chatter:

Acknowledge the chatter:  I’ve found the best way to combat negative talk is to acknowledge its presence. As the thoughts come rolling in let them wash down your body like water and escape through your feet.   If negative talk persists, kindly thank it for its concern and affirm that you trust the process. Going through the steps of allowing and releasing, ultimately, prepares you for your healing process.

Let it go: After you’ve allowed the chatter to fill your head, take a deep breath and LET IT GO!  Deep breathing is symbolic to emotional, physical and mental release.  If breathing isn’t enough, get out your pen and pad and write about it. However you choose, the key is to stop adverse thoughts in their tracks, so they don’t perpetuate into negative feelings.

Look for triggers: In most cases, our negative thoughts are triggered by something or someone in our environment.  Discovering how you are triggered will encourage you to partner with your discomfort in new ways.

Show gratitude: The best way to turn negative self-talk into a joyful experience is by being grateful. Showing gratitude enables our mind, body and spirit to accept things as they are and to trust we’re in the right place.  When negative talk ensues, begin your next sentence with, “I am so happy and grateful for…”  The most important part is you feel good about what you are affirming. Feeling blissful will help you forget about the negative and focus on manifesting your desires.

The first step to conquering negative self-talk is realizing you have the power to shift your awareness.  Instead of promoting  negative thoughts, empower yourself to rise above adversities by standing in your bliss.

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Christy Lynn Abram (Wholistic Muse) is a Certified Peer Coach.  Using holistic living as a guide, Christy teaches women struggling with mental/ emotional discomfort how to find their personal power and increase it.  Christy’s 15 year battle with depression and PTSD   is what inspires Christy to help others create healthy minds, bodies, and spirits.


Shift Negative Self-talk in 4 Steps

Saturday, November 9, 2013

3 Ways To Change Your Life Today!

Feeling like your stuck in a rut is a discomfort I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemies.  It seems everything is a task–career, family life and self care (Let alone getting out of the bed.)  What if I told you there were 3 simple things you can do TODAY to change your life?  More importantly, this life changing system costs absolutely nothing, but time and dedication. Check out my latest video to get my three step life altering techniques.



That’s right folks!  It’s simple, Release, Accept and Receive. Give yourself permission to let go of  the old story, accept that you are an amazing person full of possibilities, then get ready to receive all that you desire.  I didn’t get a chance to talk to you about tips to help you amplify your process, so here are a few to get you started.

Say Bye, Bye to Dysfunction:  The easiest way to let go of unwanted emotional/ mental discomfort is to ask to leave. You may achieve saying bye to your discomfort by writing your feelings down (without limits) , then burning or tarring them to smithereens.

Talk It Out: When feeling stressed  or sad, talk to your discomfort. Reassure your  inner self that you are safe and trust the process.

Use Mother Earth for support: Healing stones like: Black Tourmaline, Amethyst, Rose Quartz and many others can help you through your healing process.  I wrote a great article on how to clean, clear and charge gemstones.  Find it here.

Create a Worry Box: Worry boxes or jars a wonderful ways to began your healing process. You can make a worry boy out of a Kleenex box or a jar (with a lid) your not using (mayo jars are great). Simply, write your stress, worry or fear on a  piece of paper , followed with an affirmation and place it in your worry box/jar. Once full, get rid of it by using the technique I’ve mentioned in tip one.


Remember, love begins within. Love the skin your in, then show everyone else what your made of.

 Until next time,

Wholistic Muse♥


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rsz 1rsz 404609 3792087805388 9727423 n 17069 60x60 3 Ways To Change Your Life Today!

Christy Lynn Abram “Wholistic Muse” specializes in assisting those transitioning from mental/ emotional discomfort find their power and increase it.  Using holistic living as a guide, Christy shows her readers  how to maximize their natural ability for self-healing using whole body wellness. Christy’s 20 year struggle with depression is what inspires her to teach others how to create a healthy mind, body and spirit.




3 Ways To Change Your Life Today!

Monday, November 4, 2013

A/B Testing Landing Page Example

This is the first paragraph of your landing page where you want to draw the viewer in and quickly explain your value proposition.

Use Bullet Points to:

  • Explain why they should fill out the form

  • What they will learn if they download

  • A problem this form will solve for them

Short ending paragraph reiterating the value behind the form

A/B Testing Landing Page Example

A/B Testing Landing Page Example

This is the first paragraph of your landing page where you want to draw the viewer in and quickly explain your value proposition.

Use Bullet Points to:

  • Explain why they should fill out the form

  • What they will learn if they download

  • A problem this form will solve for them

Short ending paragraph reiterating the value behind the form

A/B Testing Landing Page Example

A/B Testing Landing Page Example

This is the first paragraph of your landing page where you want to draw the viewer in and quickly explain your value proposition.

Use Bullet Points to:

  • Explain why they should fill out the form

  • What they will learn if they download

  • A problem this form will solve for them

Short ending paragraph reiterating the value behind the form

A/B Testing Landing Page Example

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

5 Ways to Find Your Joy!

There was a point in my life where I felt my joy lived in another state.  So, I traveled and traveled until I had no more travel in me.  Years later and completely broke, I was exactly where I began.  Everything seemed so gray and full of funk.  Therefore, I did what I knew best — I ran.

This time I vowed to stay put.  I settled in my home town of Saint Louis, retained my place in the corporate hum bum and then I got carjacked.  “Damn!” I thought, it seemed I couldn’t catch a break.

airplane 150x150 Once again, with my girls in tow and pieces of my life stacked neatly in a cardboard box, I returned to Washington State to patch of my life together. Confused and broken, I could think of a million reasons to be sad, but I opted to thank GOD for the opportunity to see my daughter I hadn’t seen in 7 years. More importantly, I expressed my gratitude for being able to embrace my children another day.  I let my gratefulness carry me through some tough times.  Little did I know, there was more to come.

 The person my children and I had been staying with decided it was time for us to go. I packed my girls up in the middle of the night and proceeded on a 6 month journey from place to place.  Eventually, after months of tears, prayers and faith, my family and I were invited to stay in an intimate shelter with 5 other families.  Relieved that my family and I had a stable and safe place to sleep, I decided to dismiss my stress and focus on raising my vibration by finding the joy in my adversity.  Here are the 5 techniques I used to find my joy:

1. Let Go: Stressing about something your can not immediately change will only make matters worse.   When I felt t overwhelmed, I made a list of my top 3 stressors and how they made me feel.  Each time I felt one of the emotions I didn’t ignore it, I asked it how I could help it go away.  This technique helped me relieve the tension I felt in my chest and free my heart from the disappointment I felt.

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2. Get outside: Getting outside is a great way to reduce tension. When I felt fed-up I made it my business to enjoy nature. Whether, by taking a walk, sitting in the grass, talking to someone or enjoying the sounds of the community, it made me feel better to experience something other than my situation. Most times I met a friendly face that unknowingly offered me encouragement.  Proof that Spirit always gives you what you need!

3. Laugh:  Laughter is a simple way to enjoy the small things in life. To lift my spirits, I watched funny movies and let my laughter rip.  Laughter not only makes you feel good, it has health benefits too! Laughing boosts your immune system, relaxes the body, increase Endorphins (the feel good hormone) and protects the heart.

 4. Wear happy colors: Most times when we are sad we whip out colors that represent our mood (usually blacks or other dark colors). When you feel yourself entering that dark place, opt to wear colors that make you feel good.  Colors like, orange, yellow, blue, pink or purple, are said to relax the mind, body and spirit and create a positive effect on your emotional state.

berries 150x150 5. Eat foods that increase feelings joy: When going through a tough time most feed their bodies starchy foods that are high in sugar and salt.  Although, they may taste good for the moment, these foods could have negative side effects such as: weight gain, high blood pressure, migraines, and diabetes. The key to eliminating stress is eating a well-balanced diet full of foods that aid in increasing positive mood. Foods like, salmon, dark chocolate, spinach, avocado and some berries, employ vitamins that assist the body in feeling happy. To learn more about happy food, here’s a great article!

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Christy Lynn Abram  is a  Wholistic Muse and creator of Loving Touch Therapy™. Christy specializes in assisting individuals, families and groups through the process of discovering their natural potential for healing themselves. Overcoming an 15 year battle with depression and PTSD is what inspires Christy to help others create healthy minds, bodies, and spirits.